Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Virginia Wright
Virginia Wright, four-time author of  the children's books: Buzzzzzzzz, Crying Bear, The Princess and the Castle, and The Prince and the Dragon will be chatting with LibraryThing members from Aug 30, 2010 to Sep 6, 2010.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Author Virginia Wright Featured | FiledBy

JACOBSBURG, OHIO August 2, 2010 ( FEATURED AUTHOR: Virginia Wright four-time author is one of six authors being featured this week at Virginia's latest book "Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do" is being showcased. Wright was born and raised in Belfast, Maine. She presently is living in Ohio with her husband. She has written three other books: Crying Bear, The Princess and the Castle, and The Prince and the Dragon. Virginia Wright was recently featured as an author on the websites, Happy Birthday,, and Upcoming works include "The Christmas Secret" being released late fall 2010.