Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dylan & the Croak Orleans Gang by Rhonda Patton

Dylan and the Croak Orleans Gang by Rhonda Patton I just love this cover! Dylan is a frog who goes to Croak Orleans to fulfill his longtime dream. Along the way, he meets new and amazing friends. This is
such a cute children's story by a prolific writer and author friend of mine.

DUO Inspirations by Jodi Desautels | Empowering People one Inspiration at a Time

DUO Inspirations founder, Jodi Desautels, says her Facebook group page is to encourage friendship, marketing, promotion, sales, ideas, involvement, etc. She says she hopes to one day use it to show her appreciation and kindness. 

To visit DUO Inspirations Facebook page click link below, click to join the private group.  


DUO Inspirations: Empowering People one Inspiration at a Time

DUO Inspirations strives to not only inspire people, but also empower them.  Uniquely, 
DUO Inspirations inspires through educating, creating, and sharing.  At first glance, 
these seemingly broad topics may not trigger thoughts of inspiration and empowerment.

DUO Inspirations website:

Books are inspirational too!
Check out this book,
Clarinda Cloud by Jodi Desautels


KindleWorlds Short Story G.I. Joe : Seeds of Destruction by Joe Pranaitis


Check out my friend's (KindleWorlds Short Story) G.I. JOE: Seeds of Destruction by @JoePranaitis #RT


Following the events of Mind Disrupter the Joes find themselves facing off against the Cobra scientist Mindbender again as he tries to redeem himself by creating Mini BATS a small robot the size of a microbe and able to penetrate the skin turning his test subjects in his test country England into uncontrollable savages causing their Prime Minister to declare Martial Law thus forcing the Joes to track Mindbender to Zartan's compound in the Everglades where a battle then ensues while the Joes orbiter the Defiant is launched to retrieve the Cobra delivery system. With the clock ticking will they reverse what Mindbender has done or will Cobra finally win?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Reviews Are Good For Authors

If you have bought or been gifted one of my books and posted that review on Amazon, would you also please post your review on Reviews are extremely helpful to authors!! Reviews help readers decide to buy a book or not. I'd love for people to know what my followers think of my books.

If you have not reviewed my book on  address is below.

Thank you,

Sunday, June 12, 2016

What qualifications do I need to be a writer?

That depends on what type of book are you going to write? If you are going to write a scholarly book, I would say credentials are important. Do you have to have a degree in Creative Writing in order to write? No. Writing comes from within, from the heart, something you were meant to do when you love writing and sit at the computer and can pluck away at the keyboard until before you know it, you've written a short story. 

I've taken courses in Creative Writing, a semester course in Writing For Profit, I've taken online blogging short schools through Yahoo and But with all of that said, while I did learn some tricks of the trade, I would say you don't have to have any particular credentials or qualifications to write creatively, especially if it seems as though you are a natural writer. 

I’ve been asked more than once what makes me an authority on honeybees or the subject thereof? I have also been asked what makes me think I can write a book about honeybees? What are your qualifications? Well, I will start with telling you I am not an entomologist. But for those of you who don’t know the answer, I will brief you… before and while writing Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do, we had many beehives in an apiary in Ohio where I lived on a 25-acre farm. Later in life, and when we lived in Maine for about four years, we had as few as one to two hives. I have been a natural beekeeper and photographer of the little buzzers for years– and am currently, an advocate, of our greatest pollinator and encourage beekeeping. Yes, Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do, a nonfiction, was written by a beekeeper, me. The cover photo of Buzzzzzzz was also taken by an amateur photographer, beekeeper, and writer, me. I’m not proposing to be an authority or know everything about honeybees– but having been a beekeeper and photographer of honeybees for several years certainly gives me a qualifying factor for writing a nonfiction book about honeybees, so that is what I did.

If you would like to check out more of my nature photography visit my Instagram gallery.
To buy my books click here.
Radio Interview with Virginia Wright talking about Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do, with Media Show Host, Don McCauley ( Don McCauley serves as host of a number of The Authors Show radio programs, a production created and produced by
  © Virginia Wright

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Help 18-year-old teenager from Maine, with autism, celebrate her 19th birthday this year

Credit: Rebecca Lyn/Facebook
Birthdays are supposed to be fun.  A special day and celebration filled with phone calls ringing birthday wishes, gifts with pretty bows, cake and ice cream, as well as people to share your special day with.  This was not the usual birthday fanfare for Hallee Sorenson, who has autism, and was turning 18 last year. None of the friends she invited to her birthday party at the bowling alley  showed up.  

A cousin of Hallee's, Rebecca Lyn, posted a message on social media about Hallee's story. She put out a plea to help make Hallee's 19th birthday a little bit happier this year by asking for people to send her birthday wishes online or birthday cards. Rebecca Lyn's message has not only reached local TV stations and newspapers, her message has reached people all over the world.

See Rebecca's social media message here.

Happy Birthday Hallee Sorenson#19_byVirginia Wright
I've  just addressed a card for  Hallee Sorenson and it is ready to pop in the mail on Monday morning, in time for her 19th birthday on July 2nd.  I hope that the subscribers of my blog and others who stumble upon this post go to this page that has been set up for Hallee, and wish her a happy 19th birthday. There are already hundreds of messages pouring in as well as birthday cards and gifts.

Please help make Hallee's 19th birthday happier this year by sending her a message  on social media or a birthday card by postal mail.  (Hallee's address below.)

 Hallee Sorenson
34 Wellesley Way
Bangor, Maine 04401

Bangor Daily News Article: 

Friday, June 10, 2016


FRIDAY SPOTLIGHT & GIVEAWAY 6/10/16 - Author and musician, Sherry Ellis. Please join us in welcoming Sherry, and don't forget to comment for your chance to win as she is giving away a copy of each of her books - That Mama is a Grouch, That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN, and Ten Zany Birds.Good luck. Click on the link and start commenting!

-Virginia Wright

Sunday, June 5, 2016


DARE TO GO BARE...bare-faced that is! If you haven't heard about the no makeup movement yet, I will give you a brief. Alicia Keys reports that she was beginning to feel like a chameleon. She was tired of the plasticity mold that women are brainwashed into thinking they have to fit into. Alicia Keys has started a #NoMakeup Movement, I dared to go bare, bare-faced that is... Check out my bare-faced photo by clicking on the link below. :-) #daretogobare #nomakeupmovement

Friday, June 3, 2016


****Today6/3/16**** Hop on over to the From Here to Eternity The Dennis Higgins/Virginia Wright Fan Club page for the Spotlight & Giveaway. There will be three winners. Don't forget to comment for your chance to win. 

See you there-Virginia Wright